After a 2 year hiatus I began playing Online Poker again around 3 months ago.

When I stopped playing in May 2011 I had kept records of wins and losses on a blog, and had never had a losing year since I began online in 2007.

Within the 4 years I played I probably had no more than 2 losing Months (to my best recollection) - playing a mixture of micro cash games, freerolls and value added tourneys (of which there seemed to be a lot more than there is now )

I thought playing Poker was just like 'Riding a Bike', in that once you've got rid of the stabilisers everything is easy forever - However I've been back 3 Months and have yet to post a winning month, so either pokers changed a great deal, or I've lost some of my ; Skill-Luck-Good Fortune-Concentration-Desire or combination of 1 or more of those (of course I obviously know it's rigged as well)

So I thought maybe if I begin recording and telling people how bad I'm playing that I might concentrate, or have more desire to succeed,to avoid heaping more embarrassment upon myself .

I've also luckily been able to supplement my Poker losses with a bit of Betting, and Advantage play - so I'll record those within my challenge as well, to stop me ending up like a Charity case if the poker doesn't turn the corner - I'll try and post the betting and advantage play selections up prior, so I can't appear to only be selecting the winning bits -and wherever possible I'll post my Poker exploits on here also to encourage comment (or abuse) as people see fit

So let the 'Ride' commence .....